
服务、铅、 &  保护

格鲁吉亚STEPPS is one of Georgia’s most ambitious projects for supporting the success of Georgia’s public safety workforce and our communities. 在线博彩 developed this one of a kind program with input from Georgia Department of Corrections, 乔治亚州公共安全培训中心, 以及地区公共安全领导.




The Georgia Strategic Training and Education Partnership for Public Safety (STEPPS) is a collaborative partnership designed to provide an opportunity for public safety employees to puruse high education.

This partnership allows public safety professionals a unique educational experience and an opportunity to advance their education and careers in highly relevant programs.


  1. Provide outstanding and professionally relevant and competitive undergraduate and graduate programs to Georgia’s public safety workforce;
  2. Streamline pathways to certification and graduation while maximizing cost efficiencies through the public safety partnership and collaboration;
  3. Assist Public Safety employees in meeting educational and training requirements for promotional opportunities.

This public safety partnership specifically provides programs designed to address the needs of Georgia’s Department of Corrections and/or other public safety agencies’ workforce from the front-line officer to executive staff. 

Students with Georgia POST specialized training 以及在职业生涯中获得的其他培训s can earn credit toward certificates and degrees. Please inquire with the Department of Civic Engagement and Public Service for more information.


Will provide a pathway for newly hired correctional staff to work within GDC facilities in non-security posts. 这也是惩教事业的基础. (更多内容即将发布.)

Provides a collegiate pathway for those interested in pursuing a high-demand career. Nexus学位是为没有获得大学学位的个人提供的, 有一个学位,但想过渡到高要求的职业(例如.g., 信息技术, 和网络安全), and/or have a need for a targeted workforce credential to advance in their careers.

查看USG Nexus学位

Offers a program of study organized around a theme and grounded in two desciplines. 跨学科研究提供了多种研究途径, 包括法医学和调查, 数据科学, 自然资源管理, 及公共安全. 这个学位对那些想在联邦政府工作的人有好处, 状态, 以及地方政府、商业和非营利组织.


The 在线博彩 Criminology Program is committed to providing quality instruction to students on subjects of criminology and criminal justice.


Will offer current GDC educators the opportunity to earn their Tier I Educational Leadership Certification.


Will offer current GDC educators the opportunity to earn their Tier II Educational Leadership Certification.

查看Tier II计划

The Online Teaching Certificate is designed for students working in non-K-12 environments (i.e., 高等教育, 行业, 希望提高他们的在线设计和促进能力的人.


This is an opportunity for GDC staff to earn a masters degree and to potentially earn Georgia POST credit.


Offers GDC educators and counselors an opportunity to become certified professional counselors in the 状态 of Georgia. Earning this certification will give GDC Care and Treatment staff the skills to provide high quality educational and rehabilitative services to their supervised populations.



The 工商管理硕士 (MBA) degree offers an opportunity for students to expand their skill set in business, 金融, 管理, 和市场营销.





Students can earn credit toward certificates and their degree based on Georgia POST training, BCOT培训, 以及在职业生涯中获得的其他培训.  Please inquire with the Department of Civic Engagement and Public Service for more information.


Left sleeve of a Georgia Department of Correction (GDC) employee showing the GDC patch on the sleeve.


发展更加专业化的劳动力队伍可以改善格鲁吉亚的公共安全, 保护在线博彩的社区, 并协助监督, 护理和治疗, 教育教学, 以及惩教人员监督的人口改造.


Jami Sailors穿着他的警服.

"I graduated in 2016 with a Master of Arts in Criminology and I found not just an education but a community of dedicated faculty and staff who guided me with expertise and passion. Their commitment to fostering growth and intellectual curiosity propelled me to new heights. 获得学位后,对我的职业生涯产生了深远的影响. 具备前沿知识和宝贵技能, I've navigated professional challenges with confidence and achieved milestones I once only dreamed of."




迈克尔·麦克道尔于2010年在在线博彩开始了他的旅程. 作为一名学生, 麦克道尔是一名学生运动员, 大使, 参加了许多俱乐部和社区服务项目, 并被整个在线博彩社区广泛称为“自行车上的迈克”. McDowell was hired by the 卡罗敦 Police Department in 2015 and served as the agency's premier community relations officer until January of 2022. McDowell was then hired by the Carroll County Sheriff's Office as its Community Program Coordinator. 除了他在警长办公室的公共服务之外, McDowell still contributed to the success of 在线博彩 students by working as an online adjunct instructor, 在校友会董事会任职, 还有志愿做导师的时间. 2022年7月, McDowell was hired by the United States Marshals Service as a Deputy US Marshal Candidate and relocated to the Pacific Northwest in January 2023 to serve as a Deputy US Marshal in Washington State.



戴夫·艾尔斯是西乔治亚州的终身居民. 戴夫于2001年开始担任狱警. During this time, he moved through the ranks and approached about taking a position as counselor. 2008年,戴夫完成了他的B级考试.S. 在犯罪学. 戴夫随后参加了犯罪学硕士课程,并于2011年完成了该课程.

到那时,戴夫已经在监狱系统工作了十年. Dave had the unique combination of educational degrees and experience in the field. The university recognized this combination and offered Dave the opportunity to make a career move into academia. 戴夫获得了博士学位.D. 从肯尼索州立大学毕业. 自从进入学术界, Dave has dedicated most of his time towards developing programs and classes that offer students education based on experiential learning. 除了, Dave has played a vital role in developing partnerships between 在线博彩 and public safety organizations.



Dr. 戴夫·艾尔斯
电子邮件: ga-stepps@reverse-mortgage-explained.com
